Wednesday, July 17, 2024

"Trade Town" Ministry of Games strategy guide by GuidingLight

I talked to new people immigrating often .   I wanted to travel the guilds of this world.   I learned and thought people some ways they can value items using math to shop better adding stuff up.  In the end tho it is only acts of kindness and forgiveness that matter.   Let your heart and mind lead you to success.

Looks like farming is fixed.

Here is some advanced tips strategy and tools to help with fair play of Trade Town strategy game by Ministry of games. This game will hone your shopping skills. This game provides a great means to practice arithmetic in determining value of orders. This is a great game for the family.

Trade town is a trading game that greatly benefits from strategy and cooperative play.
To play well and save up you will need to hunt for bargains , do arithmetic to find worthwhile house renovations refusing bad ones, and ship goods to earn rewards and sell goods.  Here follows some tips to earn some gold and progress in the game:

Help tokens:

Pay it forward
Eliminate transaction costs of negotiation.  Help by giving back to the Guild when the next person asks for something.  

The average value of a help token breakdown.
50 * 3                   for blessing items
1200+600+300    gold rewards
400 * 3                easy to sell inventory expansion stuff
3450       prize value of sum of 12 possible prizes
/(12 spins)
287.5 gold average per spin of 50 tokens= 5.71 gold return per token. If you donate carevan  items 57.1 %  of the value of the items donated is returned in tokens that would otherwise be lost.

This also means shipping now has positive returns and earns you gold as it gives back 50% of items value in gold as well as the 57.1%return in tokens.

You can use help tokens as a savings account for upgrading inventory.

Around 1 token per 10gold of donated items cost is given now.

If everyone has a long spoon and doesn't feed himself but feeds those that need it the best outcome is possible.

Blessed in perpetuity:

When you turn your tokens in keep adding to your blessings.

If you request at least the cheep easy to get stuff you make giving easy and rewarding with tokens.  You have to wait so long between for shipping to return it makes sense to let others fill what they want for tokens.

Buy and sell to bots:
Stuff advertised will be bought by a bot eventually if someone doesn't buy it first. Buy low sell high. Use the maximum price to see potential profit.  Stuff also gets added to the market by bot accounts. For higher LVL items it may make sense to buy something generated at a low price and to sell at maximum price. Leveling up helps gain access to more items to play with.

Market slots limit how much stuff you can buy low sell high or sell in general. Compute how much profit per sale to maximize gold. Buying at 25 gold to sell at 50 gold makes less sense then buying at 400 and selling at 500. 100% profit at 50 is less then 20% profit at 500.

Helping someone gives tokens. If your friends fill you up on what they can and you can finish up what is needed you get tokens that give gold, inventory upgrades and blessings for helping each other.   If you allow others to help with easy stuff as well as the hard stuff the tokens compensate for the help given.   If you help them in turn with all you can you earn tokens everyone gets ahead. You Earn tokens in turn. Leave the requests open until you can complete everything then just fill in what people couldn't find or help with.

A good time to upgrade is when people sell some of their rewards at the end of a week when prizes are given out because someones trash is another persons treasure.  If you find something you are looking for in one persons store other members of that guild may have more as there may be local surplus of those items in that guild.

Pay attention to who sells what.  A lot of the time you can go right to the same person and buy the same goods if you need them again.

Producing stuff that is hard to find if you can. Stock and save hard to get items to keep caravans going if that is a goal you like and have the space. (refuse house orders that ask for something you can't replace)

The maximum sale price will let you know if you found a bargain and how much you can make selling it back to the bots or market.

The cost of farmed and maybe some other items has changed.  I will update this as I find changes. 

Upgrading buildings gold bonus:

Gold bonus is % of max price of item given when you collect it from the building that produced it
100 gold item with 20% gold bonus (level 6 building) gives 20 gold upon collection of produced item. Bigger items give nice bonuses.


The maximum sale price will let you know if you found a bargain and how much you can make selling it back to the bots or market.  

I am working on and updating this spreadsheet (has printing instructions print from this  linked sheet)   Cut spreadsheet into bookmark. Stickers on back and laminate is fun. 

House orders:

See if it's a deal:

This order costs
170(horseshoes) +120 (oil) + 50(wheat ) +clay(0)+cotton(0)to fill.= 340

Profit estimate if  goods bought from market at max price and used your own woodsmen. Sometimes you can take a slight loss to keep things flowing.  This way you should be able to upgrade your population while turning a slight profit and avoiding Home Orders that are not worth your time.

With woodsmen blessings and upgraded woodsmen you can treat the cost of resources as free for a house order as you can produce more then you can buy and sell combined.  This is because woodsmen produce raw resources in parallel and upgrading once and turning on woodsmen blessings is like having two additional production buildings.

Sometimes you may choose not to do an order because you are saving hard to find goods for caravans.

You will get very good at mental arithmetic and hunting bargains.   Enjoy your skills when you shop in a store.

Doing only profitable orders will allow you to gain xp without loosing gold.  The blessings are really essential to making this work as they boost the gold that orders give and give and double your woodsmen production.  The tokens that can be gained for helping each other and doing each others shipping really make this process work well.  Get your guild that uses long spoons to feed each other and not themselves.  Logging on a few times a day to request help for shipping shouldn't be too hard and it should generate enough tokens if everyone does it to run things pretty well. 

Youtube: Game-Play


Inventory upgrade items can easily be gotten from helping others.  Select production upgrades for all your prizes.

I don't see a benefit to rushing population above 2000.  It may even require more decorations to get xp bonus.  You can upgrade production buildings to lvl 7 at 2000 population.  You can save the rest of house orders for daily gem missions when needed and get most out of house orders.   I save space by not even placing down all the houses I have available so I have more farmland.

Upgrade market only as much as you need.  People tend to upgrade untill they realize it's not worth it past a point well in the past. Don't try to compete with players on this and take it too far but try to guage what space you want to play comfortably. It seems to allow you to upgrade market forever. 
  Bots will also buy goods from market even if you don't advertise.  Advertising stuff humans wish to buy. 
 The markets in trade town sometimes cause frustrations.  As grapes become scarce and crazy expensive in the market a big solution was to avoid developing that market entirely.  Because the resources would not be required if you didn't 'upgrade' parts of your town you wouldn't need them and be able to totally avoid all the trouble by not selling alcohol in the first place. 
As more people level up and upgrade to use resources markets change and result in scarcity in different areas.  Working as a team together on challenges impossible orders become easy.  Keep all members getting experience and not just ones with most inventory and quickest fingers.  Give priority to building the team.  It's nice to have people who get near your level that can help as needed so no one gets stuck.